Thursday, May 7, 2009

Your New Exec Board

President- Suzi Hawk
Vice President- Robert Kosek
Communications Chair- Tanya Renicker
Treasurer- Alex Lapso
Secretary- Jaime DiThomas
Social Chair- Cody Henson

Congratulations, to all of you!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Scare Force One! (or) "Mistakes On a Plane"

The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
Mistakes on a Plane
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Economic CrisisFirst 100 Days

According to ABC News's White House correspondent, Jake Tapper, this fiasco cost taxpayers an estimated $56,518 for each hour Scare Force One was out buzzing the Statue of Liberty.

I normally have some kind of snarky joke here, but I think Jon Stewart said it all. If it cost us almost $60K to get Stewart to rip on Obama for once, it was money well spent.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Run, John, Run!

It would have been soooooo epic if John announced that he was running for governor during his speech! Oh well. Enjoy his speech, hopefully you were in Columbus to hear it in person.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Prepping for the Tea Party

The blog's going to take a day off or two as yours truly makes his sign. This is what's going on my sign:

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Hamas Struck By Fist of Irony Gods

Cross-posted at The Post blog. Because I can.

According to the World Tribune, Hamas fighters in Gaza City unsuccessfully attempted to use US-manufactured Stinger missiles against Israeli forces. Unfortunately, the Irony Gods intervened. From the World Tribune:
"We were disappointed by them, and they were found to have been useless," a Hamas source said.

The source said Hamas smuggled four Stinger systems in 2008. The source said the Hamas military deployed the Stingers against Israel Air Force AH-64 Apache attack helicopters during strike missions in the northern Gaza Strip.

"Our gunners couldn't fire the weapon," the source recalled. "A notice came up on the display saying 'friendly aircraft.'"

Industry sources said Raytheon, producer of Stinger, installed identification friend/foe capabilities more than a decade ago. The sources said this would prevent Stinger from being fired against any aircraft used by the U.S. military.

Apparently, this fail/win (depending on how you look at it) was not pleasing enough for the deities of Irony:
Another Hamas source said gunners deployed Stinger along with heavy machine guns in attacks on Israeli helicopters during the war in the Gaza Strip. The source said one Stinger surface-to-air missile was launched, but the projectile veered off course and struck a Hamas gunner squad.

"The Stinger was drawn by the heat of our guns rather than the engines of the Israeli helicopters," the source said. "At that point, we stopped using this weapon."

The sources said Hamas has abandoned plans to acquire additional Stingers.

Hat tip goes to Ace of Spades HQ blog.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Tea Party

Just a brief announcement, the Ohio University College Republicans will be going to the Columbus Tea Party on, appropriately, April 15. So far, about 25 people are planning on going, and that number will probably go up as the date approaches. Myself, I am planning on being in attendence. NICE!

Speaking of tea parties, I'd feel better if this was how the government handled bailouts...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Wow... really?

Another Obama appointment nominee has tax problems. I mean, really, how do you just forget to pay your taxes? Every April 15, you pay your taxes, right? At this point, I seriously think that President Obama picks people on purpose who haven't paid their taxes. Is it a Democrat thing to not pay your taxes, or is it just dumb luck that almost every person Obama's tapped (except for Judd Gregg, but he is a Republican) for a position ends up having forgot to pay taxes. Obviously, it must be a dumb luck thing.

Yeah. That's the ticket.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring Break

The blog will be taking a hiatus, as most of us are taking a well-deserved spring break. I leave you with this video of our Doofus in Chief.

And this, too.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Remember This?

Remember how liberals said that George W. Bush was intellectually incurious?

Remember how liberals said that Obama was the first "wired president," the one who understood those dang InterWebs?


I know that foreign policy (or domestic policy, for that matter) is not the strong suit of Obama, but wow. Not only did you give the #2 Most Powerful Man in the Free World a set of DVDs, you gave him DVDs that he can't even watch!

You'd think that Mr. Internet President, Mr. Intellectually Curious, would have had someone CHECK TO SEE if American-made DVDs could play on a British DVD player. But noooooooooo.

Oh, I got more. Remember when liberals said that the "adults were back in charge"? Yeah, I remember that.

"The adults are back in charge"? More like "it's Amateur Hour at the Baker Center Front Room.

The sad part? 62% of America is sucking up every last bit of Obamarama Kool-Aid they can, and see nothing wrong with letting the inmates run the asylum. As long as they read a teleprompter well and look good on TV, that's what matters, right?

Thursday, March 12, 2009


In a news flash you won't find elsewhere, I have a bulletin.

Speaking before the Ohio University College Republicans last night, candidate for the Republican nomination for OH Attorney General, Dave Yost announced that if he survived the primaries, he pledged to not take campaign donations from law firms that accept special contract money from the state. He said he would concentrate on "developing relationships" with voters, using social networks and pre-existing relationships between people, as opposed to spending lots of money on TV ads. He said that these days, few people watch commercials, due to the use of DVR and other time-shifting technologies.

Remember folks, you heard it here first.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Latecomers to the Obvious Party...

Scientists recently reported that the Earth has developed a small eccentricity in its orbit. NASA experts believe that this orbital anomaly is caused by William F. Buckley spinning in his grave at supersonic speeds. The Department of Energy plans to use this source of perpetual energy to reduce American power plants' dependency on burning coal.

The money quote:

My old and dear friend Peter Robinson (we single-handedly won the Cold War together as Bush I speechwriters at the White House in the early 1980s) takes me to task Friday on for having recognized--finally, after all these weeks--that President Obama is a hard-left ideologue big-spender. He also congratulates David Gergen and David Brooks for similarly having come to their senses.

Robinson was much gentler on Brooks and me than Rush Limbaugh was. This week on his radio show he blasted the two of us in an Oscar Wilde mode, quipping, "Duh!"

Let's take a quick look at the tape. What I said in my Daily Beast endorsement of Obama last October was as follows:

"President Obama will (I pray, secularly) surely understand that traditional left-politics aren't going to get us out of this pit we've dug for ourselves. If he raises taxes and throws up tariff walls and opens the coffers of the DNC to bribe-money from the special interest groups against whom he has (somewhat disingenuously) railed during the campaign trail, then he will almost certainly reap a whirlwind that will make Katrina look like a balmy summer zephyr."

So much for my secular prayers. Maybe I should have tried the old-fashioned kind instead. For now, he is raising taxes and proposing Brobdingnagian government spending and expansion. It would thus seem that I was wrong about him. [...] But that's not what mainly bugs Robinson, who goes on to say that 'a deep, recurring pattern of American life has asserted itself yet again: the cluelessness of the elite. Buckley, Gergen and Brooks all attended expensive private universities, then spent their careers moving among the wealthy and powerful who inhabit the seaboard corridor running from Washington to Boston. If any of the three strolled uninvited into a cocktail party in Georgetown, Cambridge or New Haven, the hostess would emit yelps of delight. Yet all three originally got Obama wrong.'

First let me say, being a well-brought-up elite, I would never 'stroll uninvited' into a cocktail party in Georgetown. We elites don't do that.

Note to Chris "In Name Only" Buckley:

It's nice that you see the truth now, after a few months. However, lots of people who aren't super-psuedo-intellectuals like you saw the truth from the get-go. Thanks a lot, jerk. You're doing your father proud... NOT.

Belated Friday Funn-ay

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sign of the Times, Part X of Y

Oh hey, look, White House Press Secretary Joseph Goebbels Robert Gibbs is taking special time to tear down another person who dares criticize Teh One's policies. First Gibbslet ripped on Rush Limbaugh, then he ripped on CNBC's Rick Santelli, now he's going after Jim Cramer, of Mad Money fame. Is this the job of the Press Secretary, to go around whining and scoffing when one of the media take the red pill and wake up from the Obamatrix?

In somewhat related newz, Spendulus Prime now has Happy Fun Democracy Stickers, to be slapped on government projects that are being funded by future generations.

Michelle Malkin has some more apropos logos for Spendulus Prime:

Isn't life just grand?

Monday, March 2, 2009

Back From CPAC!

We (and by we, I mean the Ohio University College Republicans) just got back from CPAC, also known as the Conservative Political Action Conference, which was held at the Omni Shoreham Hotel. May I just say that it was amazing!

I have gone there with OUCRs for three years now, and each time I've gone, it's been a lot of fun. Not only do conservatives from across the country (and world, as there were a few people who had traveled to DC from the frosty realms of Canada, or as I like to call it, America's Hat) meet to hear conservatives such as Michelle Malkin, Sen. Jim DeMint (R-GA), the Hon. Mitt Romney, the Hon. Newt Gingrich, Tony Blakely, and the Great One himself... El Rushbo, Rush Lim Attendance was astounding, and most of the events and speaking engagements were at maximum capacity. Honestly, there were lines extending out of the ballroom hallway and into the rest of the hotel. It was very, very crazy to see that many conservatives and Republicans trying to see speakers such as Ann Coulter, Mitt Romney, and El Rushbo.

Michelle Malkin, a personal favorite of mine, helped drop the Washington DC remix of the Tea Party USA movement against irresponsible and irrational government spendulus spending, with the help of PajamasTV and Law & Order's Fred Thompson.

Joe the Plumber was at CPAC, and more than a few OU College Republicans got his autograph and their pictures with him, myself included. Nice!

Some event noticias: The Athens County Lincoln Day Dinner will be at the American Legion on March 12, 2009. This year, the speaker for the event will be Josh Mandel, he is the state representative from the 17th district, and is an Iraq War veteran, having served two tours of duty in The Sandbox. He is an up-and-coming star in Ohio state politics, and is only in his mid-20s, just a few years older than your average OU student.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Quick Response:

Doing his best Josiah Bartlett of The West Wing tonight during "The Non-State of the Union", President Obama continued his campaign legacy of hope, change, and zero substance. 

Promising a return to prominence on the world stage, economic stability and a cure for cancer, (you can't make this stuff up) The Obamesseiah stroked the egos of a delightfully botoxed Nancy Pelosi and the other energized Spendacrats throughout congress. 

Obama's plea for fiscal responsibility was ironic, in that he put forth proposals for universal healthcare, education and an emphasis on green technologies, all the while IGNORING the, cheap, established possibilities that nuclear power represents.  

His comments regarding an expensive cap and trade system, and penalties for coal burning industries will do nothing to help the unemployment rate, will leave American companies seeking opportunities abroad, and the American's that fill those jobs will be out on the streets.

With over a trillion dollars already drawn from the depleted national coffers to pay for the stimulus, and trillions more on the horizon, it is both reckless and irresponsible to continue this spending.  As Reagan once historically remarked "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: "I'm from the government and I'm here to help", putting trillions of dollars worth of faith in the government to efficiently and faithfully execute the "shovel-ready" projects that the stimulus package presents is a giant leap of faith.

As a member of Generation Y, I want my children to inherit a country that values liberty, self-government, honesty and hard work, as so many generations have valued before mine.  Not a country that values government assistance, irresponsible earmarks and boondogglery.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Hate To Say It...

But I saw this coming a mile away. You give free money to someone, and of course they're going to blow throw it and need more.

Of course, it doesn't help that it costs General Motors $1,635 per car to support the health care of all those union workers (past and present!) on the payroll. To compare, Toyota, a company that's actually doing halfway wellthese days, only has to spend $235 on current workers' health care, and--here's a shocking idea--doesn't pay workers' health care when they're not working! Then again, Toyota isn't beholden to the UAW like GM is, so of course Toyota is actually going to be allowed to be profitable.

Again, it's stuff like this that makes me feel like I'm Gulliver living with the Yahoos. Trying something over and over again and expecting different results is a sign of mental illness. Or liberalism. Or was that redundant?

Friday, February 13, 2009

Bringin' the Friday Funnay

I'm not going to embed it, as it does contain some amount of profanity, but I strongly suggest this Youtube video. It is an old (created in the '70s) parody video of a AFSCME (government workers' union) PSA, in which some bored TV station workers dubbed over with a... uhhh... new and improved narration track. A+, would watch again.

Have a safe V-day weekend!

Honest-to-God true picture, taken in a Dallas, TX bookstore

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

That 3 Letter Word, J-O-B-S (or) Educating the Yahoos

So, last Sunday, George Snuffleupagus (aside: I never can spell his name... Stephanolopous? Snuffleupagus? Jetson? Who knows?) interviewed the Man of Steele, RNC Chairman Michael Steele. The video is below.

The words won't ever get through Georgie-Porgie Puddin' Pie's finely coiffed news-hair, but Steele is absolutely correct. Government jobs do not create value, they do not create wealth. There is a big difference between "having work" and "having a job". I'm sure there are some exceptions, but most government jobs--metaphorically speaking--are just shoveling one pile of money from one pile to another pile. Sure, you get paid for that "work", but of what value to the overall economy is that kind of work? Does filing out R2-D2 forms at the Redundant Office of Redundancy all day help increase the GDP, or decrease the trade deficit?

Since our President is so intent on drawing comparisons to the Great Depression and FDR's New Deal, let's make one of our own. How does paying people to dig ditches, and then paying them to fill those ditches back, help the economy? Again, it puts food on the table for the workers' families, but that's not the problem! Most government jobs are the equivalent of digging a ditch.

In Gulliver's Travels, living with the Houyhnhnms (intelligent horses) made the narrator dislike living with the Yahoos (the humans). Watching the news makes me hate living with the Yahoos, but instead, it's my job, and the job of all Republicans to instead educate the Yahoos, and not try to live separate from them. That didn't work out well for Gulliver, and it won't work for us.

Friday, February 6, 2009

The Week That Was In Editoral Cartoons

Enough reading for one week, let's look at the pictures...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Funny Time

I almost posted the Daily Show's take on Michael Steele here, but then the cold medication wore off and I realized that this is the College Republicans blog, not the College Democrats or the Students for A Democratic Society blog. To me, watching The Daily Show (worse yet, The Bad Bill O'Reilly Impression Show Colbert Report) is the same as doing opposition research--what is the other side saying about me, and who are they getting their talking points from today?

Anyway, there are Daily Show alternatives that aren't liberally biased, and don't require you to wrap as much duct tape to keep your head from asploding. Personally, I am a big fan of the Media Research Center, especially their blog, Newsbusters. Newsbusters documents the liberal media bias that we all see, and a recent addition to the Newsbusters goodness is their web-based comedy shorts, entitled "NewsBusted". Subscribe to the NewsBusted YouTube Channel, in order to see the latest updated episode!

I leave you with the latest episode of NewsBusted, just so you can a taste of the funnay that is NB. Sometimes I swear I spoil you guys.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Man of Steele

As you may or may not already know, former Maryland Lieutenant Governor Michael Steele was elected as the Republican National Committee's chairman. What does this mean for the Republican Party?

Having seen Steele on television before he started running for RNC Chairman, this made me personally very happy. Of course, no one comes close to William F. Buckley, but to me, Steele is a very articulate and prominent face of conservatism. Is dumping the past chairman, Mike Duncan, going to solve all of the Republican Party's problems? Definitely not. In the past election, the Republican Party simply got outmaneuvered by an organization that had a better ground game, and more resources. Until we fix our "ground game" and learn to use force-multipliers like the Internet effectively, we're probably going to be working at a disadvantage. If the message of smaller, more effective government that maximizes personal freedom without sacrificing personal security never gets out... how do we expect to "win hearts and minds"?

There was a great field of RNC Chairman candidates this year, including Ken Blackwell, from Ohio. I do find it very inspiring that the Party of Lincoln had two African-Americans to choose from... I've said for years that the generalized difference between Democrats and Republicans, is that where Democrats see what divides us, Republicans see what unites us. Blackwell and Steele did not run for the chairman position as African-Americans, but as Americans. That is an important distinction that should be kept in mind!

Add Ken Blackwell on Facebook, and become a Facebook Fan of Michael Steele. All the cool conservatives are doing it!

--Jesse Hathaway, OUCRs Blog Editor


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You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves- Abraham Lincoln